Biography Personal Growth

The Story of a modern Superwoman

Who is a superwoman?
This is the first thing came to my mind while starting this post. When I searched in the dictionary I found-

The definition of a superwoman is a woman with superhuman powers or a woman who performs well in her various demanding roles.

Nature has designed women in such a way, when it comes to certain roles women are more efficient. Like managing multiple things, playing different roles in life. For me every mother is superwoman. Imagine the different roles of a mother. From taking care of her children to family to other stuffs of home and sometimes even working full time in a job. That’s a lot to do at the same time. Mother’s do all these things without ever complaining. That’s why they all are superwoman.

However, the superwoman about whom I am going to talk about is neither a mother nor has some superpowers. But, instead of that she deserved to be called a superwoman for her journey and how she inspired milions across the globe to chase your dreams and live on your own terms.

I am talking about an Indo-Canadian woman named Lilly Singh. Many of you probably know her and have seen her videos on youtube. But what you probably don’t know is her journey from battling depression to highest paid female YouTuber in the world.

Lilly Saini Singh was born on September 26, 1988, and raised in Scarborough, Toronto. Her father Sukhbinder Singh and mother Malwinder Singh emigrated to Canada from Punjab, India. Growing up in childhood, Lilly was a very extrovert child who grabs attention all the time from the people. He was the center of attraction in parties or any public gatherings due to her talkative nature.

In one of his interview, Lilly said she wanted to be a power ranger and raper in childhood but her parents wanted her to be a counselor. Lilly has done her bachelors in psychology from York University, Toronto to her parents wish.

After finishing bachelors Lilly becomes worried about her future. As she didn’t want to be a counselor. Although her parents wanted her to pursue further masters in psychology, the sheer feeling of the conventional career as counselor made her anxious.

She took a one year break before pursuing anything. She was in a state of depression at that time. At one side her parents told her to do masters in psychology and on the other hand, she was not interested in psychology anymore. It reflects when she reminds those days-

I remember writing the application for my masters and then going ‘ Oh my god! I don’t even want to do these applications, how am I going to do this for four years? ’

‘ If not psychology then what I am going to do in my life” was her biggest concern. And this insecurity slowly leads her to depression. To curb her bad feeling she started making videos on youtube in the year 2010. Remember YouTube is not that famous at that time and one cannot think it as a source of living. Many of her friends were also making videos and uploading videos on YouTube for fun at that time.

The real insight happened in Mexico, where Lilly was in for vacation after coming out of depression. When answering a question about when did she think of becoming a YouTuber she said-

I can tell you the exact moment it happened. I had a few videos out at that time and I was coming out of a state of depression and I was confused. I was on a vacation in Mexico with my family and going for a walk – it was so like Bollywood – sat at the beach and had a talk with myself. I think for the first time I asked myself – ‘What makes you happy? What do you want to do?’ And the answer was: ‘Entertaining people makes me really happy.’ ‘What am I doing right now that involves that? I am making YouTube videos. So let’s put all my effort into that and see where it goes.’ The second I flew back home, I started making YouTube videos.

There is no looking back after that for her. It’s not that she became famous overnight but her perseverance and the joy of making videos kept her going even in times when her videos were not getting many views or subscribers.

“Every video and every tweet has counted,” she told Marie Claire magazine. “My climb was slow. I took the stairs, not the escalator.”

Today she has two channel on YouTube. One is called ‘Superwoman’ with more than 14 million subscribers and other is ‘Superwomanvlogs’ with close to 3 million subscribers. Forbes Magazine has listed her as the highest paid female YouTuber and overall third highest paid YouTuber in the world with 7.5 million dollars per year.

Lilly has received an MTV Fandom Award, four Streamy Awards, two Teen Choice Awards, and a People’s Choice Award since she started her channel.

When someone asked her what makes your videos so appealing to people? She said-

I think it’s the relatability. I think what people like about my channel is that I am not perfect. I always point to my pimple, my bad hair day…people relate to that. They are watching somebody who is exactly like them and talking about things that they experience as well.

Today Lilly has worked with some of the most influencing people on the earth from Bill Gates to Michelle Obama to Selena Gomez to Dwayne Johnson and many more. She is also a Goodwill Ambassador of ‘UNICEF’ and helping empower girls all over the world.

On asking what she meant by ‘freedom of expression’ she gave a beautiful answer-

No matter what I put out, somebody will be offended. I made a video on 10 reasons to smile, and it has dislikes. That should be an indication that there will be some who get offended no matter what you do. The best you can do as an entertainer or as someone who performs is to follow what you believe in.

You can’t really do anything else. If you say ‘I don’t want to offend anyone’ then don’t get on stage. Just ask yourself ‘Do I think it is right? Do I think it is offensive? And do I think that everyone is okay to hear this? If I truly believe this then I should go and do this.’

The story of a woman who becomes the most entertaining Youtuber from a confused and depressed teenager teaches us a lot of lessons. Let’s distill some of them.

  1. Exploration is the best way to find out your passion/calling

Just like Lilly most of us remain confused at our teenage years about what to do in life, what am I good at? But merely thinking about it not give any solution we must try our hands at different things to find out what suits us. Imagine if Lilly Singh would have never tried making videos on YouTube and did his masters in psychology, her life would have been completely different. It’s her choice to explore YouTube that made her fall in love with YouTube. Your passion is hidden inside multiple layers. The more you explore, the more you get close to that.

2. Persevarance is the key

Perseverance is probably the most important factor in anybody’s success. Lilly Singh shows us the same. Her first video got just 70 views, but she started making even more videos after that. Although initial days were not great but she kept making videos as she loved to do that. For all of us we feel many times to give up at what we are doing, the only thing that can keep us going is the love towards what we are doing and the bigger picture (the why) of what we are doing.

3. Your background should not define you

Many of us born in some place, brought up in another place and then work in another place. In all these endeavors we come across different culture and people. Many times people try to restrict us by defining us with our background. It’s very important you connect your identity with something bigger. We should be universal not defined by a particular race, religion, or place.

When Lilly started her YouTube career western media used to define her as an Indian girl who is also getting views and stuff. But very soon she realized that she don’t need to be defined always by her background. She said-

Earlier on my videos used to be so geared towards Indian people because that’s what I thought I had to do”. “So I would call my videos things like ‘My Indian Parents Do This’ or ‘Indian Girls This’ and very quickly I realized that I didn’t have to do that. All the girls are pretty much the same and all parents are pretty much the same, so I stopped doing that and I stopped cornering myself into a niche that I thought I had to be in.”

4. Success comes with a cost

You should define your own success, not other people. What is a success for other people may not be for you. For some people having a big house, an expensive car and a luxurious lifestyle is a success but for you, just these may not be the success. Every success comes with some sacrifice, some cost.

If you want that Ferrari may you need to work even on weekends, maybe you have to lose your sleep a little bit. If you want to be famous then maybe you have to compromise with your privacy, you will be constantly chased by people everywhere. Define your success by yourself, what kind of life you want to live?

Lilly said it best-

“When I was younger, I had this fairy tale that you can have eight hours of sleep and be a healthy, balanced, person and still achieve your goals,” she told Vogue. “That hasn’t always been the case. On an average day, I will spend 90% of my waking moments working on Superwoman. I’m a huge workaholic. My hobby is Superwoman.”

5. Be humble and open minded always

Warren Buffet said-

“Humility is the first step towards learning. You can’t learn until you are humble enough to realize there is something for you to learn.”

Continuous growth is the secret to maintain success. And to grow continuously one need to learn continuously. The success of Lilly Singh over the years shows us exactly this. She has collaborated with some of the most influencing people whether it is Dwayne Johnson (The Rock), Bill Gates or Michelle Obama. The Knowledge and wisdom she gathered from her own experience and from other wise people helped her remain in the ground and learn continuously.

This superwoman has even written a book to describe her journey and help others in their journey-

I am posting one of her interviws where she reveals many insights-

We all are at some point of our life confused, anxious, sometimes even depressed like Lilly Singh. It’s our connection with our inner being, our courage, our appetite for exploration and learning can make us a superwoman or superwoman.

Wish all of you a great new year and may this new year bring the superwoman or superwoman from within us.

Have a great week. See you in the next year. With Love -Joy


  1. Lilly Singh with THE HINDU
  2. The Toronto life on Lilly Singh
  3. Lilly Singh Biography
Personal Growth Uncategorized

An Experience to Cherish

Last week I was in Goa, the paradise for tourists all over the world. According to a survey Goa attracts six million visitors around the globe every year.

But what is it about Goa that makes it paradise for visitors?

Of course, it’s beautiful beaches are a major attraction but that’s not all. The environment there itself is very calm and relaxed. So much serenity everywhere. On top of that, it’s cosmopolitan culture and food makes Goa even better. If you want to see the world just in one visit, then you should definitely visit Goa. You will find people from every corner of the world in Goa. And that’s what makes Goa special.

However, except all the things mentioned above I had a special experience in Goa.

I always had this wish to visit an orphanage. I used to wonder how those children live there, for some children their parents are no more in this world and for some, their parents leave them to an orphanage. How strong they have to be to live without the love of their parents. What for most us is worst nightmare, for them that’s the reality. I was very curious to see those children, to talk with them about their experiences. I didn’t get that chance in my childhood. Finally, I get the chance to see them in my 20’s.

The day Goa trip was planned I told myself this is my best chance to visit those children as I will not be busy there at least.

And the day finally came when on 16th December (2018) afternoon I visited such an orphanage. It was named as ‘Matruchhaya Orphanage’,. What interesting was, I never heard or knew about that orphanage or for that matter any orphanage in Goa. I just searched on Google about orphanage near me and it shows the name with address Dhavali, Ponda, Goa 403401. Below is the image Google showed-

It took me approx. 35 minute to reach there from my place in Goa. The Orphanage was inside a village. It was so much peace there. Roads were empty, so much greenery everywhere, the view around the village was so majestic. I arrived there at about 4. 30 p.m.

Honestly, I was actually little nervous the moment I entered there. Childrens were laughing at me as if I came from some other planet. There were one older woman and a man, whom I guessed take care of the children there.

The man and the woman called me inside a room which was their office. The whole scene made me very nostalgic, I used to imagine scenes like this in my childhood and used to see sometimes on television. They asked my name and what I do. I told them I always wanted to visit children who live in an orphanage. In a little time, I made myself comfortable with them.

I started asking them how do they take care of so many children? Did some of the children have parents and how often they visit them? I asked about their organization and how they help children?

It was probably the best 20 minutes conversation with some strangers. I get to know so much while talking with them. Some of their answers actually surprised me. I used to think people often visit such orphanage to see those children, to help them or atleast to spend some time with them. However, they told me that very rarely people nowadays visit those children and even if sometimes people visit, they do because that’s his/her birthday or any special day. Nothing wrong with that.

However, I think the purpose of the visit is wrong. People celebrate their birthday with those children to make his/her day special not to make those children’s day special. And I realize this when I went to give them some chocolates I brought for them. Everyone was saying ‘Happy birthday bhaiyya’ (Happy birthday brother), although I told them it was not my birthday. Even those children knew that most people visit them for their own motive not to really spend time with them.

I am usually an introvert when I meet with new people. But that day it was something amazing, I talked with each and every child there asked their name and about their experiences. Their innocent eyes did tell me a lot of things that day. Although they smile and look happy from outside, they do miss their parents a lot. They do miss the love and affection which we all got in our childhood.

Infact, talking with them made me feel stupid about myself. I rarely expressed gratitude to my parents, my friends and other people for giving so much of love and tenderness throughout my life. Most of us take these things for granted. Parents will take care of their children, it’s their duty right but we should realize it’s their chice not duty. You will probably never realize that until you met someone whose parents haven’t choose to take care of him/her. Those children made me feel grateful to everyone who spent their time to make me feel better and make my life better.

I wouldn’t forget that women who take care of all the children there. Imagine, taking care of one child is not that easy but she has to take care of more than 50 children at the same time. I told her the kind of great work she is doing for those children, by educating them, by taking care of their needs. Surely she will have a graceful life as so many children’s blessings are with her. I was so happy to see the glow in her face when I talked with the children there. She wants people to spend some quality time with the children not to just bring some gifts for them. She thanked me for visiting their place and thankfully agreed to take a picture with me.

Believe me that two hours in Orphanage is the best experience in Goa I remember. I met so many wonderful people and learned so much from them. I bring some great memories from there to cherish.

I must tell you one incident when one of the children asked me ‘Are you on Google?’

For a moment I thought, am I really on Google? Then I checked and told them if you just search joyexcel on Google, you will find me. It’s great to see they were so much interested in me. When I was leaving they gave me the best compliment of my life to remember. When they said-

” Bhaiyya aap bahut achhe hon “

That line just melted my heart. You may get compliments from people all the time but when you get a compliment from some innocent and pure children, it feels different and special.

In the end, I just want suggest you few things. Yes, we all are busy in our life for making our living. We all have our own problems, frustrations, worries. But we also have our own comforts, luxuries, richness which we rarely admit and grateful for.

And most probably you will never be grateful until you find the reason why should you be grateful towards someone or something. Meeting with those children made me feel grateful towards life. However busy you are, make some time to meet different people around the globe to realize you also have many things in life along with your don’t have list.

There were some beautiful lines I read-

Have a wonderful week. Until next time. -Joy

Health and Fitness Personal Growth Science

How Would be the World Without Meat Eaters?

What is the biggest contributor to Global Warming?

You might be thinking about the emission of greenhouse gases from transportation or burning fossil fuels or deforestation. However, it might be surprising to you but cows and pigs are going to be the biggest contributor to global warming very soon.

But why is that?

We all are worried about CO2 emission and it’s devastating effects on climate change. But methane is even more dangerous. Heat-trapping ability of methane is much higher than CO2.  
Cows emit a massive amount of methane through belching, with a lesser amount through flatulence. On average a cow produces 100 to 200 liters of methane in a day, which is a lot of methane.  

So what can we do?

We cannot just vanish cows from the world. Of course not but we can certainly reduce the production of cows especially in the farms, where they are in millions just to satisfy your meat crave. 

Have you noticed the number of new diseases are increasing every year in the disease dictionary? Every year there are additions of a new type of diseases. Certainly, there is something is severely wrong. Our lifestyle is getting worse day by day. Mainly our food habits. So let’s learn from the people who lived healthier for most of their life

You probably know that the Japanese lived longer and healthier than the rest of the world. Especially an island is known as Okinawa island where living more than 100 years is pretty common. People are healthy all their life. What’s their secret?

The magic is in their food. Their food mainly consists of plant-based. Meat, dairy products, and seafood are eaten in very less amount. 

But how does eating meat prevents us from becoming healtheir?

Although meat is high in protein, it contains a high amount of saturated fat and bad cholesterol which causes blockages in heart auricles. Meat is uneasy to digest which decreases the pancreas juice, which is required for food digestion. Moreover, it drives our bad emotions like anger, frustrations, anxiety etc. 

However that doesn’t mean I am saying you should remove meat (beef, pig, chicken) from your diet. It’s your choice. However, research suggests it’s better atlest to recuce meat consumption and if you have to eat then eat quality meat not just from anywhere.

So what if people all over the world started reducing meat consumption and eat more plant based foods. Let’s address few facts one by one-

  1. Environment: As already discussed above, consuming more meat is directly related to climate change. More animals mean more methane which will result in rising in global warming. Due to more animal production in farms, the rainforest in Amazon is destroying at a scary rate which results in extinction of almost 100 species every single day. Surely consumption of meat is not environment-friendly.

2. Shortage of Water: A decade back shortage of water was mainly a topic of debate and discussions. But today it’s a hardcore reality. We are aware of situations in parts of the world including recently what happened in South Africa due to the shortage of water. How does meat production contributes to fresh water shortage?

To produce just 1 pound of beef it requires 2000 gallons of water. For one pound of chicken, it’s 460 gallons of water. Which means it requires 660 gallons of water to make a beef burger. You can have 2 months of shower with 660 gallons of water.              At a time when water shortage is knocking our door, it’s not wise to waste too much of water for satisfying your meat craving.    

3. Health: It’s been a long belief that without meat there would be a protien deficiency in a person. However, the research suggests the opposite thing. Eating more animal protein increases the chances of diabetes, high blood pressure, and other cardiovascular diseases. There are differences between animal and plant protein. What’s worse animal farms are mostly responsible fot giving birth to superbugs. Read my previous blog on superbugs.

  There are even examples where many people have cured cancer via only fruit based diet. Just to mention few Johana Brandt cure cancer by a grape diet. So it’s not entirely true that reducing meat from your diet will affect your health, in another way it will actually make you healthier. Even our heroes like Leonardo Da Vinci,  Franz Kafka, Pythagoras, Leo Tolstoy, Mahatma Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin were Vegetarian.

You might be surprised to know but even dairy products you love are not great for your health. There is an entire industry based on only dairy products and you will probably never know that dairy products are sometimes detrimental to your health. Have a watch to this video by Dr. Neal Barnard in the University of Michigan-

4. Empathy: How would you feel if you cannot eat you have grown in the field, but they are being used as food for animals to make them healthy so that more meat can be generated from that animal. Same is the story with many of the African Countries. Countless people are starving there not because they don’t have enough food but because their food has been taken away to feed animals in the farm for wealthy people to eat meat. In what kind of the world we are living in, people somewhere are dying due to starvation and we are using their food to celebrate meat festival. 

My purpose by raising the above points is not to destroy your meat love but to let you know the broader picture of the world. Every time you are eating meat it’s not only about you but a small part of the world is also getting affected.

So, what can we do?

Like any other thing in life you always have the option in this case also. Every acre of land gives us choice, either we can use it to grow meat or plant-based food. Either we can have meat every alternative day or occasion or we can reduce that meat consumption.

My aim is not to have any debate about whether and how meat you should consume. It’s always your choice. It’s not a question of morality. Eating meat doesn’t make you a bad person or not eating meat doesn’t make you a good person. It’s just how you want your health to be, how you want to lead your life. Of course until and unless you realize the facts from within you should not just become a vegan overnight. It’s a process,    the more you know about it, the more aware you would be. 

Even in Hinduism plant-based foods are considered as the sattvic foods, which leads to clarity of mind and health. Whereas, the meat of other animals are considered as Tamasic foods which lead to mental dullness and physical numbness.

 If you compare a person who eats meat very frequently with a person who don’t eat meat or at least eats less meat. The latter person would produce 50% less  CO2, uses less amount of oil, water, and land than the former. As I have said your choice affects the world. 

 In the end, I know it’s probably not easy initially to lessen the meat if you are a meat lover. But only by becoming more educated and aware about the world we can make better decisions. Just adding a documentary which might help to become more educated and aware of meat production.

A final quote by my hero-

Leonardo Da Vinci on Vegetarianism

Have a mindful week. Until next time                                                                                                                                                                                          – Joy


  1. Animal Agriculture Causes Deforestation
  2. The Okinawa Diet
  3. Beneficial Effect of Calory restriction